Tax Forms - T2202A - Undergraduate Students

This is an explanation of your T2202A tax form for the 2016 calendar year (January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016).

According to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules, only tuition fees and certain ancillary fees that have been assessed and paid to the University for the current calendar year can be reported. This is typically about 96 per cent of a domestic student's fee assessment. Other charges, including referenda or course material fees, interest and non-tuition charges cannot be reported on the tax form.

There are two sections of the tax form (see below); one that displays the total tuition amount (column A) and another that displays your status (full or part-time) and the number of months in which you were registered (columns B and C). Read the instructions below to understand how these figures are calculated.

Sample of data section of tax form:

Session periods,
part-time and full-time
Eligible tuition fees
Number of months for
From To B
01 2016 04 2016
05 2016 08 2016
09 2016 12 2016

Tuition Amounts (column A)

  • For undergraduate studies, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires universities to divide the undergraduate study year into three periods (January to April, May to August and September to December) as displayed on the T2202A tax form.
  • Fall/winter tuition amounts that have been assessed and paid are divided in half and reported over two taxation years; half of the fees paid for courses taken in the Fall/Winter 2015-2016 Session, the full amount of fees paid in the Summer 2016 Session and half of the fees paid for courses taken in the Fall/Winter 2016-2017 Session will be reported on the T2202A for 2016.
  • For further information, see Income Tax Folio S1-F2-C2: Tuition Tax Credit issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Eligible Months (columns B and C)

  • Columns B and C report the number of months you were registered as a full or part-time student.
  • Undergraduate students must be registered in at least 9 credits per month to be considered a full-time student. If you were registered for less than 9 credits in any month, you will be considered a part-time student for that month.


In the example below rounded numbers have been used for simplicity. Please note that these numbers do not reflect actual York University fees.

Example: A fall/winter 2016-2017 6.00 credit Faculty of Health course has a total reportable tuition of $1,000 provided fees have been paid. Half of this amount ($500) minus the unreportable ancillary fees (about 4% of the tuition fees) will be reported on the T2202A for 2016 and the other half will be reported on the T2202A for 2017.

Calculating Eligible Months: In the example, only the portion of the course that falls within the 2016 calendar year can be reported. It would result in '4' months displayed in column B for January through April 2016.