Course and Program Fees / FW24 / Faculty of Graduate Studies - Masters

For students entering York University on September 4, 2024 or later.

  Tuition Supplementary Fees Total Total (per term)
  Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time
Domestic $1,435.51 $717.75 $297.12 $151.17 $1,732.63 $868.92
International $6,275.00 $3,137.50 $297.12 $151.17 $6,572.12 $3,288.67


  • Domestic Fees - To be eligible for domestic fees you must be either a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada (otherwise known as landed immigrant) or an exempted international student or a dependent, effective on the dates specified on an annual basis.
  • International Fees - Students who do not have the status specified above, or who apply to York and declare themselves as visa students will be charged tuition fees at international rates.

  • You can find more detailed information on fee categories and eligibility criteria on the Academic Tuition Fee Categories website.

Supplementary Fees

Centrally Collected Ancillary (Per term) Full-time Part-time
Art Gallery $2.24 $1.12
Athletics and Recreation/Athletics & Recreation $69.77 $34.89
Health and Counselling/Health & Counselling $14.87 $7.43
Student Support Services/Academic Support $20.62 $10.31
Student Support Services/Career Services $6.83 $3.42
Student Support Services/Community Safety $18.77 $9.38
Student Support Services/Convocation $10.40 $5.20
Sub Total Centrally Collected Ancillary Fees Per term $143.50 $71.75
Student Levy (Per term) Full-time Part-time
Affordable Housing Collective $12.41 $8.84
Cdn Centre for Civic Media & Arts Dev Inc or VX3 $1.50 $0.75
Cdn Fed of Students & Cdn Fed of Students Ontario $6.72 $3.35
Centre for Women and Trans People (CWTP) $1.00 $0.50
Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) $0.50 $0.25
Excalibur $1.33 $0.66
New York University Student Centre Levy $41.50 $20.75
Ont Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG - York) $1.00 $0.50
Regenesis at York $5.92 $2.96
Sexual Assault Survivors' Support Line (SASSL) $0.70 $0.35
World University Services of Canada - Keele $1.16 $0.58
York University Student Centre Operating Levy $25.92 $12.96
YU Graduate Students Association (YUGSA) $53.96 $26.97
Sub Total Student Levy Fees Per term $153.62 $79.42
  Full-time Part-time
Total Supplementary Fees (Per term) $297.12 $151.17

Additional Charges

  1. Registration Fee: $15 per student per term (non-refundable).
  2. Late Fee: $200 per student per term (non-refundable) to students who register beyond the term registration deadline; for more details, refer to the Registration section of the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.
  3. International Students Health Insurance: The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) is mandatory for all international students. This does not apply to domestic students. For more information, visit the York International website.
  4. Student Health Plan: Refer to Health Services at York for details on Faculty-specific student health plans and opt-out deadlines. Check with your Health Plan Office for up-to-date information.

Note: Fees are subject to approval by York's Board of Governors in accordance with the fees guidelines set by the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities and are subject to change.